Sunday, November 29, 2009

blah random thoughts

so this is me thinking.perhaps if i write it all out it will make more sense to me. salt lake has more opportunity to meet ppl and to go some where in a career. but i am tired of living here and working all the time and having no money cause i pay all the bills on time which is why i need to get a career and get some money. but i could move home.. i would still have to pay the rent there. i could go to school here and there but i would miss out on this semester unless i started it here or moved before my lease was up and move back home. i guess im just tired of being alone out here.. all of my friends are seriously in relationships and so happy with them that i dont have anyone to hang with...when im not working. which is all the friggin time! I wanna move to new york. ha just a thought. id love to move home and be home with sin when she raises her baby but id much rather be home in a few years when i have a career and can afford to help her out better. if i go home ill have family that love me but i will still be in russellville. which i hold a big grudge against that city. it has nvr done anything for me. this sounds stupid but i dont want to go to a high school reuniion and say that i still live in russellville. how LAME is that for real! there is more of a music scene out here. there is more oppourtunity to progress out here. i guess i just need to find better friends that wont ditch me all the time. every time i try to figure this out in my head i come to the conclusion that staying here is the better choice. i think im just gonna give this place one more semester. i cant really lose anything. i will go to school and try to start something for myself. i know arkansas has schools i can go to but like i said...i just dont wanna live there again. i would love if my family would live by me. im not saying i will nvr move home bc if after this semester nothing has happened...i havnt been able to save money..i havnt gone on a few dates...i havnt progressed any in school..then i will prolly move home but for now i think i will just stay here. i will get on ksl and find a cheap place to live at the beginning of jan. my car is almost paid off so i can get a new one i just really hope that it doesnt die before i get the chance to get a new one. stay with me car! i think right now i am just tired of being broke although i work like 60 hrs a wk. im tired of not being able to have a social life because i work all the time and when i get the chance to hang i dont have money to do anyting. im tired of other ppl being in realtionships and it seems impossible for me to even get a guy to ask me out. im tired of the 5 pds ive gained because i dont have time to exercise and im tired of being so damn cold all the time. well i think thats it for now. im glad i got to write this out. it actually helped to clear my head. now i just have to get registered for school. i get to go home soon. i wish i could visit for longer then 9 days but thatll prolly be enough to keep me broke for a bit:)

Monday, November 23, 2009

fa la la la la la la la la

it is officially the christmas season. today i walked in the store to do some shopping and heard the jolly ringing of those salvation army bells. after that i walked into work and heard christmas music playing over the intercom. it is a week before thanksgiving and christmas has already started. on another note i get to go home in less than a month for 10 days to spend the christmas season with the fam. i am super excited for that! woooo.
today while on the phone with sieanne i came to the conclusion that i might not have the moral compass and i am strangely ok with that. ill figure out if i should worry about that at some other point in my life. well im off to eat the first of many thanksgiving dinners. 10 pounds of thanksgiving cheer here i come!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

sometimes i see myself as an adult. its weird really. like right now. i am sitting on my balcony at my apartment that is hundreds of miles away from my family, wearing clothes that i bought for myself yesterday (off the sales rack of course), making plans to hang with the girls tonight! yep im just basking in the sun. i have this weird thing about me. i take one situation in my life and i take it off onto other scenarios. i am always accessing the good and the bad of choices. i must say this is more of a recent thing that i do but none the less i do it. its not a bad thing but it tends to take up alot of brain capacity. hmmm i think blogging for me is just a way to talk to myself through writing. ha. like all these thoughts are just running through my head right now so this postt will prolly not make much sense. feel free to stop reading.
so i will be going to school next semester. im not quite sure what i am going to be in life yet but i have a few directions. i like legal stuff but i dont know if i have the balls to be a lawyer.....but i could surprise myself.. hmmm ppl tell me i should get into graphic design or fashion design...i would love both but those are both 2 cutthroat areas of business...but then again what business these days isnt. ya so im looking forward to that. i am also looking forward to moving to be closer to my fam after school. idk when that will be exactly. at least another year or 2 here. maybe by then they will move closer to me. haha.
so i think i am part crazy. i dont get mad at ppl usually. i hold it back and smile and then forget about it. but every once in awhile i will just break and whoever it is that made me break will get the full wrath of my pent up emotions. ooopsies. my sympathies to another manager at sonic who called me lazy behind my back...and since all of my employees adore got baack to me. she ended up quitting. it is not my fault that she picked the wrong time to talk smack. eh another one will come along. at least i dont make a habit of offing sonic managers...perhaps then i wouldnt have a job. haha. its sonic. id survive.
ya so i think this is all im thinking about at the moment. oh i am thinking of how good my new perfume smells....L.A.M.B. yes i have to thank shasta for loving gwen and getting me too as well. i smell lovely! hmm and perhaps i need a pedicure. no crude comments from sieanne please and thank you!
yep so i miss my fam. much love to lexi, and sin, and shast, and mum and pops. and of course shasta you better give all those nuggets some love from me. sin you can pat your lil nugget on the tummy and tell her i am somewhere out here....even though we sound alike on the phone and she prolly thinks you are having full blown conversations with yourself when she hears us talking. haha she already knows your crazy. love u guys. im off to find food. yummmm. besos!!!