Wednesday, October 21, 2009

insert clever title here.

so yesterday was quite humorous for about 1 1/2 hours. the rest of the time i was working or sleeping...both of which are not funny at all and id be offended if you laughed:) kk well i had to go and get my food handlers permit for sonic. ive been at this sonic for almost 8 months. so you can imagine how pissed my boss was when he realized that i didnt have my permit. oopsies. so i walk into the class and there is a line of ppl. well actually 2 lines. one for the espanol speakers and one for us white speakin folk. ya i went right to the front of my line. the other line held about 20 ppl with a geo full of ppl yet to come. after that i sat down at a random table to chat chit with myself about the ridiculousness of my situation. this lady came up to me and handed me a piece of paper talking about how to get a GED. haha i looked at her and said..."uh i graduated." she looked at me and rolled her eyes then snatched the paper back. i laughed because i guess they assume that everyone in need of a fast food handlers permit is in need of a high school education as well. i looked around and everyone else seemed to be reading the paper with some interest. so then they split the class up for the ingles and the espanol. i was forced to sit through an hour of this lady talking about how germs kill while trying to be the next dane cook. no one laughed though. hopefully she got the point. so one can imagine that i got a bit bored. so i was looking around and was checking out a few of the attractive looking individuals. one was a cutie ginger with gauges but prolly no more than 17. dang. the other one i was looking at was pretty caute i thought. that is until he stood up and put his bag over his shoulder which accentuated his boobs. ya oops.....twas a girl. you would think after a few years of distinguishing the sex of ppl id have it figured out. hmmmm. well after all this i got a little blue card with my name on it that the health department will not replace if lost.
$15 for 1.5 hours of my life ill never get back - priceless.

Monday, October 12, 2009

fallen leaf

something happens when you leave the world behind and find a quiet corner in nature.
something happens when you forget about your 60 hr work weeks.
something happens when you leave the worry of new beginnings and failing friendships behind.
something happens when you forget about other peoples worries and yours as well.
something happens when the sound of the city fades and the cold wind finds your hair and the colors of fall fall into your eyes and every breath is snow from the top of the mountain.
its something and that something is amazing. free therapy. to the next customer in line...middle finger raised. cause im in my corner of therapy.